Friday, December 11, 2009


Full Mission Profile


While on a training exercise earlier today, a NATO aircraft malfunctioned forcing the pilot to eject over the French Pyrenees mountains. The pilot sustained no major injuries, but is suffering from the severe cold, and will need to be rescued ASAP if he is to survive.


Your special operations unit will take a helicopter to a safe landing spot approximately 5 Kilometers from where the pilot’s GPS beacon is. This would be a fairly routine rescue, except that you will have to ascend over 2000 vertical feet, deal with hypoxia, and traverse difficult terrain.

Your team will be carrying a state of the art rewarming suit for the pilot. Each man’s load is approximately 40lbs. Based on current temperatures and an incoming storm, you have a drop dead time of 1 hour to get to the pilot and stabilize him to move.

After you have stabilized the pilot, radio the helicopter for pickup location. Because of incoming weather, the longer you take to get there, the farther you will have to go to be picked up.


Wear a backpack or rucksack weighing 25-40 lbs.


4 Rounds of:

* Run 400 Meters
* 50 Squats

3 Rounds of:

* Kettlebell Swing Breathing Ladder to 5 (use 35lbs or 53lbs KB)

4 Rounds of:

* Run 400 Meters
* 10 Burpees

3 Rope Ascents (or 50 Pull Ups)

4 Rounds of:

* Run 400 Meters
* 25 Box Step Ups (each leg)

3 Rounds of:

* Kettlebell Swing Breathing Ladder to 5 (use 35lbs or 53lbs KB)
* 4 Long Jumps (2 out and 2 back)


If your Insert was 50 minutes or less – Helo comes to you

If your Insert was 50 minutes to 1 hour – Run 800 Meters with Rucksack

If your Insert was 1 hour or more – Run 1 Mile with Rucksack

*insert time was more than 1 hour, an extra 1 mile was completed
total time : 2:21:18 secs

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Lumberjack 20

20 Deadlifts @ 125kg(M)/85kg(W)
Run 400m
20 Kettlebell Swings @ 32kg(M)/24kg(W)
Run 400m
20 Overhead Squats @ 50kg(M)/35kg(W)
Run 400m
20 Burpees
Run 400m
20 Pull Ups (Chest to Bar)
Run 400m
20 Box Jumps @ 24"(M)/18"(W)
Run 400m
20 Dumbell Squat Cleans @ 45lbs(M)/35lbs(W) each arm
Run 400m

45:25 secs

remembrance of lumberjack members which died at the ford shooting~